Artists & Fleas Williamsburg pop-up

On June 22nd and 23rd, Mansa Tea was part of the Summer Fest at Artists & Fleas in WilliamsburgVisitors had a chance to sample our curated selection of aged teas and check out local art, fashion, and food. Keeping with the summer spirit, we offered our aged tea in the form of cold brew.

Artists & Fleas Williamsburg

The Artists & Fleas Williamsburg location is only a block away from Smorgasburg, the largest weekly open-air food market in the US. Many visitors grabbed a bite to eat, then headed to Artists & Fleas to meander through the market.

Mansa Tea at Arts & Fleas in Williamsburg, a block from Smorgasburg Brooklyn.

There were over 75 vendors ranging from NYC themed pillows to small batch beard oil. Be on the lookout for more Mansa Pop-ups!

About Artists & Fleas

Established in 2003 in a former warehouse, our North Brooklyn flagship has become a vital destination for makers and shoppers alike. Home to 75+ individual sellers every weekend, Artists & Fleas in Williamsburg holds an international reputation amongst buyers, trend-spotters and creative entrepreneurs as a place to showcase and discover what’s new and exciting in fashion, vintage, art, design and more.

Mansa Tea at Artists & Fleas in Williamsburg

Ready to Try our Aged Teas?